Samhain and our inner fire
Posted by Sinead Duffy on

This weekend was Samhain - the most sacred time in the Celtic calendar - and time to light some fires!
Yoga has a lot to say about the shifting moods of autumn - but one of the most beautiful concepts is our internal fire... At this time of year, in the northern hemisphere, with the sun well into the other side of the globe, people's energy levels drop.
Their moods may mirror the weather - and darken. In yoga, this is because our bodies draw fire from the sun - so when the sun moves away, our own fire is diminished. Our internal fire (Agni) is what gives us an appetite for everything - from strong digestive capacity to undertaking new things, to life in general.
Luckily, both yoga and our own Celtic rituals point us to other sources of fire. If you grew up in this part of the world, you probably had the glory of a huge bonfire at this time.
I remember so clearly - health and safety at a minimum - and a wild crackling atmosphere. We probably won't get the chance to share that experience this year - but do remember to have some kind of fire this weekend. Even if it's just one (or many) candles.
It's deeply ingrained in us to need that glow - so make sure to light a flame to keep your appetite for life stoked. There are other sources of internal fire too:
- Ginger - if you feel that your digestive fire or your hunger for doing things is dampened try grating half a teaspoon of ginger and eating before meals. Drink ginger teas.
- Try eating your main meal at lunchtime - this helps your body by getting it to digest while your digestive fire is at its strongest, so helps you to have some fire left for other things!
- Using Muscle Soothe - it's full of ginger and you can feel that warmth and digestive support.

- Giving time to nurture something you're passionate about.
- Twisting the core in yoga poses.
So this Samhain, in whatever way works for you - do take some time to stoke your inner fire