ravensara for grandparents
Posted by Sinead Duffy on

not many people know about the essential oil ravensara
some confuse it with ravintsara - another oil with a strangely similar name (especially given they're from the same part of the world)
it comes from the island of madagascar - where it is considered a 'cure all' in the same way as tea tree is in Australia
ravensara has a host of properties that we particularly need at this time
- traditionally it's considered a potent anti-viral
- an immuno-stimulant
- revitalizing for mental and physical fatigue
- helps with bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis
- helps reduce allergic reactions in the body
- uplifting to mood and mindset
- helps focus and concentration
- anti-anxiety and a nervine tonic
also, according to a report published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine - the relaxing effect of ravensara helps bring a more restful sleep to people suffering from insomnia
these are all the reasons that it's in salute - and I love that with every application you're getting these benefits
I also love that something so anti-bacterial, anti-viral, uplifting and focus-increasing - is also strongly anti-anxiety
to be immune-boosted, uplifted and calmed at the same time is pretty much what the doctor ordered about now!