
Posted by Scott Marshall on


Combine with a massage afterwards using:

-Yogandha relax for relaxation

-Yogandha detox for an all over body detox and cleanse

-Yogandha muscle soothe to tone and soothe your muscles.



Yogandha muscle soothe- contains sweet marjoram, ginger, petitgrain, cedarwood, vitamin E and coconut oil. It will soothe and support the muscular, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems.

Yogandha Muscle soothe
                                       Yogandha Muscle soothe


Yogandha detox- contains juniperberry, sweet fennel, lemongrass, vitamin E, coconut oil and grapeseed. It will clear and cleanse the body on every level, it is also invaluable after any form of excess.

Yogandha detox
                                              Yogandha detox



Yogandha relax- contains vetiver, lavender, blue chamomile, clary sage, vitamin E, sesame and apricot kernel oil. It will deeply relax you and aid sleep.


6.yogandha relax body oil box&bottle €29.95
                                             Yogandha Relax



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