What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and how can it be treated?
Posted by Sinead Duffy on

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition where changing seasons - most commonly the lower levels of sunlight in Autumn and Winter - bring darker moods, lower levels of energy and in rarer cases depression.
Many studies have shown that Aromatherapy is effective in balancing moods - because smell receptor sites in our noses have a direct link to the brain.

While many forms of depression have been linked with reduced olfactory sensitivity (ability to smell), in SAD, the smell receptors are actually more receptive, indicating it may be a useful tool for this condition.
Many studies have found citrus oils most effective - particularly Bergamot. One study found it reduces anxiety and boosts both serotonin and dopamine, two neurochemicals often reduced in SAD (Komiya et al, 2006).
Other essential oils that have been shown to enhance moods, include clary sage, cedarwood, sandalwood, rosemary and orange.
Applying to the skin and breathing deep, keeping in your pocket and sniffing when you’re feeling low - these are really simple practices that have been shown to be effective in boosting mood and energy levels at this time of year.
We recommend Yogandha Ground Roll-on! This essential oil blend was created to underline a sense of sublime calm. The aroma is rich, warm, and woody.
INCLUDES: Mindful Sandalwood to relax and soothe - calming irritations, mental and physical, including the strongest of headaches.
Frankincense to slow and deepen the breath, inducing a feeling of peace.
Vetiver, from a deep-rooted Indian grass; plants with deep roots ground and earth us. Known as the 'oil of tranquillity', it has sedative and calming qualities.