Top Tips For Your Best Sleep Yet
Posted by Sinead Duffy on
If you’re the type of person who finds it difficult to wind down at the end of the day, follow these tips to help you unwind and get that deep sleep you need!
Your Space
Your bedroom should be a calm and relaxing space. Make sure your room is organised. Bits and bobs should be hidden away, try using some cute baskets to store those mystery cables and memorabilia. Make sure your room is in natural or warm colors to add to the cozy vibes. We love this super warm bed throw from Avoca
Heavy Herringbone Throw in Digestive 139.95
Your Tummy
What you it has a massive effect on how you sleep. so give yourself a helping hand and check out the previous blog post for some foods that will help you sleep.
Your Mind
Your sense of smell is key when it comes to helping you relax. Aromatherapy is a strong trigger of your memories and moods.
Before going to bed rub Yogandha Relax all over or add to your bedtime bath for a serious wind down experience.
Your Body
Yoga has been proven to help people with serious sleep problems such as insomnia. According to research by Harvard Medical School; daily yoga practice helped quality and quantity of sleep. To kick start your yoga practice and to find the best yoga for sleep why not go to Lisnavaghs Sleep retreat. It runs from October till march on particular dates. With its gorgeous gardens and comfy accommodation it is sure to get you into a restful state of mind.
to find out more about Lisnavagh Yoga go to
Do you have any tips for a good nights sleep?
I'd love to know what they are!
Sweet dreams,