Yogandha at the Copenhagen Yoga Festival
Posted by Sinead Duffy on

Facing the sea and charged with beautiful Nordic Prana, the Copenhagen Yoga festival was on last weekend & was a fantastic experience. Yogandha had a stand, a talk and were present in the classes. The lovely Elena Mironov finished her class with a deep Yoga Nidra while Sinead held Yogandha Relax for the yogis to breathe deep the Blue Chamomile, Vetiver and Lavender.
- Elena Yoga-Nidra-ing while Sinead Yogandha-Relaxes.
- A seriously relaxing experience!
The weather was unaware that it was an outdoor festival and it poured rain – but nobody seemed to mind at all! But we did miss out on the wonderful Emma Oberg who was to teach Kundalini Yoga & couldn't make it with the weather. Luckily Pernille Dybro stood in for her and everyone got their chakras sorted. Also, our Yogandha Ambassador Anja Brierly taught a class on Chakra Flow Vinyasa
At the Yogandha stand massages were given by Kathinka Sondergaard who also taught a class in Yoga & Ayurveda which was fantastic.
- Sinead and Kathinka and Nanna of YogiNomads
- Yogi tea embracing the rain
Sinead gave a talk on Using Gandha (fragrant substances) to enhance practice & classes – it was really well attended, with loads of great questions – it’s so much fun to share this knowledge with Yogis!
- Sinead teaching
It was great to connect with Lisa Andersson Rhodiner of, and Nanna Wagner of Yogi Nomads… looking forward to connecting with the Yogi Nomads in London next month! We also had the pleasure of meeting Mark Holzman who taught a class on The Gift of Humanity & stood in for Soham Johansen who's class on Myths we hope will be re-scheduled for next year! Mark is a wonderful teacher who is coming to the YogaHub in Dublin next week. Catch him if you can!